Landlordy Changelog (Android)

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Version 1.6.1

  Added option to export app data archive for moving app data to other Landlordy compatible platforms. Currently available under Settings-Diagnostic options.

  Added option to import app data archive from other Landlordy compatible platforms. Currently available under Settings-Diagnostic options.


 Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.5.2

 Quickly add rent payment matching amount of rent invoice amount by longtapping on the rent invoice line in the tenant dashboard (in the [Balance] or [Invoices] tab) and using [Add payment] shortcut.


 Fixed occasional app crash in the property list.

Version 1.5.1

 Fixed crash when sharing PDF of the tenant balance report, rent invoice or payment receipt on Android 14.

Version 1.5.0

 When saving new rent payment, app will check if payment is late (received after rent invoice due date) and will provide option to quickly create new invoice with late rent fees.

 Added support for Android 14.


 Improved data validation in the tenant editing screen with suggestions how to fix typical issues.

 In the tenant picker (when adding new rent payment), tenants are ordered by tenant name, not by property/unit.

 Important notifications in the app are displayed as message box (with confirmation button) instead of floating messages, to provide enough time/attention to read and understand them.


 Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.4.2

 Minor user interface and performance improvements.


 Fixed issues for sharing PDF reports/receipts to WhatsApp.

Version 1.4.1

 Added option to print/share list of reminders as PDF report.


 Improved app compatibility with upcoming Android release.

Version 1.3.0

 Added option to generate rent invoice line from expense editing screen, to make it easy to include paid expenses in the next/current tenant rent invoice - e.g. if tenant is paying (partially or fully) expenses like utility bills, damage repairs etc. In the rent invoice editing screen you can longtap on invoice line to move invoice line (created from expense record) from [Lines not included] section to invoice.


 Minor user interface improvements.

Version 1.2.0

 Added option to share details of the inventory/appliance item (including maintenance/service history). Template for sharing can be edited via [Settings]-[Sharing templates] option (premium feature).


 Improved screen layout and readibility if you are using larger font size or display scale on your phone.


 Fixed issue of sharing via email on some devices with Android 13 installed.

 Fixed ordering of rental units under property if rental unit name/reference is in lowercase.

Version 1.1.0

 Manage information on inventory and essential appliances in the property/unit like boilers, furnaces, smoke/CO detectors, metering devices etc. Attach important documents like user manuals, error codes and related photos to inventory/appliance details to access/share them quickly when needed.

 Manage service log for inventory/appliance with maintenance and safety check records (with related documents/photos). Get reminder when next maintenance/safety check for appliance/inventory is due.


 Add/edit extra details on property - total floor/lot area, date built and purchase/current value. Add/edit extra details on rental unit - number of bedrooms/bathrooms, floor/lot area for unit and number of parking spots available.


 Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.0.1

 Added tri-annual (once every 4 months) time period option for lease period and recurring expenses.


 [About] tab has been renamed to [Help] for clarity, added link to app tutorial.


 Fixed default image display/dimensions after returning from editing screens after adding image/PDF attachments.

Version 1.0.0

 Added option to manage multiple real-estate portfolios in the app - group properties by company/owner, filter reports by owner/portfolio (Pro edition only). Property can be assigned to specific company/owner in the property editing screen.

 New premium upgrade option - Plus edition, for managing up to 10 rental units in the app. Upgrade options from Mini to Plus and from Plus to Pro editions available.

 Added header with company/owner details in PDF/printed rent invoices, payment receipts and tenant balance reports (Pro and Plus edition feature). Manage company/owner details in the Settings tab.


 Bug fixes.

Version 0.9.9

 Added option to set currency formatting different from your phone's default currency formatting (premium feature).

 Support for auto-recurring expense records (premium feature).


 Bug fixes and app performance improvements.

Version 0.9.8

 New report option for cash-flow reports - detailed report with expense/payment notes included.

 Related images/PDF files can be included with cash-flow report export to (spreadsheet-compatible) .csv file.


 Minor user interface improvements.

Version 0.9.7

 Added option for exporting cash-flow reports to spreadsheet-compatible .csv files.


 Improved app compatibility with Android 12.


 Bug fixes and app performance improvements.

Version 0.9.6

 Longtap on rental unit/tenant name in the property list to reveal quick actions for adding expense, rent payment (with balance covering amount already filled), sending late rent notice to tenant and tenant contacting options (if tenant email and/or phone number is added to tenant details).


 Minor bug fixes and user experience improvements.

Version 0.9.5

 Added option for editing/customizing templates (used for sharing rent payment receipts, rent invoices, late rent notices or expense details) in the Settings tab (Mini and Pro feature).

 Added option to disable (hide) or enable (unhide) certain types of reminders (Mini and Pro feature).


 Improved sharing experience when sending rent payment receipt, rent invoice or late payment notice via WhatApp (if you have WhatsApp installed on your phone and tenant phone number is added in the tenant/lease details).


 Resolved sharing issues if you have phone with Android 11 latest (March 2021) security update installed on your phone.

 Minor bug fixes and user experience improvements.

Version 0.9.4

 App can add rent invoice records automatically (Mini and Pro feature).

 Reminder to create rent due invoice record for tenant (if auto invoicing is not enabled).

 Reminder about vacant rental units.


 Improved Welcome screen - quickly set up first rental unit with monthly or weekly rent period.

 Improved user interface legibility in dark mode.


 Minor bug fixes.

Version 0.9.3

 Add, rename or disable/delete types of payment in the Settings tab (Mini and Pro feature).

 Quickly email, call or message tenant from the tenant details screen by tapping on email/phone number.

 Reminder that reminds you to periodically back up app data to Dropbox.


 Longtap on unpaid expense reminder to quickly mark expense paid.

 Longtap on late/outstanding rent reminder to add tenant rent payment (with amount already filled).


 Minor bug fixes.

Version 0.9.2

 Add, rename or disable/delete expense categories in the Settings tab (Mini and Pro feature).

 Added option to opt-out from sharing app crash details and usage statistics with the app developer (see in About-Privacy section).


 User interface improvements in the dark mode.


 Fixed: app may crash when creating tenant balance report if there are no payments/invoices registered.

 Other minor bug fixes.

Version 0.9.1

 Dark mode: app switches between dark/light theme when you change device dark/light mode.


 User interface and performance improvements.


 Fixed: app may crash during creation of PDF invoice if property/tenant name does not contain Latin letters.

 Fixed bug: entering amount for decimals after comma is impossible for some European languages/locales.

 Fixed bug: options in Settings and About tabs are not accessible while phone is in dark mode.

 Fixed bug: newly added properties are not immediately available as filtering option in Reports tab.

 Other minor bug fixes.

Version 0.9.0

 Landlordy Mini and Landlordy Pro upgrade uptions to unlock premium features.


 Rent payment or expense can be quickly added by using the (+) button in the the property list.


 Note editing screen respects current text size accessibility settings on the device.