Help & Support

If your question is not answered below or you have a problem using the app - please email us directly from the app (using [Send email] option in the About tab; the email includes diagnostic information to help us identify problems) or email us at

App Tutorial

Check out the Landlordy tutorial to get an overview and learn the first steps in the app.


To learn about what has been improved, changed or fixed in every app update, check out the Landlordy changelog.

Frequently asked questions

What features are included in the paid upgrade?

How to change the default currency?

How to delete a property, tenant, invoice, etc.?

How to set up a multi-family/HMO property with multiple tenants?

How to change the order of the properties in the list?

Where to keep details on security deposit?

What is tenant balance and initial balance?

Can I add or remove reminders myself?

How to handle a tenant move-out?

How to include expenses in the tenant's invoice?

How to change the email used for sharing invoices and payment receipts?

How to send rent invoice/payment receipt to multiple tenant email addresses?

How to use swipe and longtap actions in the app?

What are the available variables for sharing templates?

How to manage attached photos/files?

How to export/open spreadsheet-compatible .csv file?

How to restore my purchase (made on a previous/different device)?

Does the app support data synchronization between devices?

What features are included in the paid upgrade?

For information on Landlordy features included in the paid upgrade, please read our Pricing page.

How to change the default currency?

You can change currency formatting in the Settings tab (premium feature). Please note that selecting another currency formatting will not perform any data conversion using currency exchange rates, the currency settings change only how currency is displayed in the app.

How to delete a property, tenant, invoice, etc.?

To remove a property from your property list, tap on property entry (with an image on the left), then use the [EDIT] button to edit property details. The [Delete property] button will be at the bottom of the screen. On the same screen you can delete (or add) rental units of your property.

You can find the [Delete] button at the bottom of the edit screens for property, tenant details, invoice, payment and expenses, etc.

There are also swipe action shortcuts available on the lists of invoices, payments, expenses etc. Swipe from right to left on a list entry to reveal the [Copy] and [Delete] actions.

Learn more about this and other shortcuts in the Landlordy app.

How to set up a multi-family/HMO property with multiple tenants?

In the property edit screen, add an extra rental unit for every apartment (or room) that is leased separately. Then add tenant/agreement for each of the rental units.

At the moment Landlordy supports only one tenant per active lease for the rental unit. If you have a single lease agreement with multiple tenants, you can keep details for secondary tenant(s) in the Notes section. When registering payments from secondary tenant(s) you can use the [Received from] field in the rent payment screen.

How can I change the order of the properties in the list?

Properties and rental units are ordered alphabetically, by shortname/reference. You can modify the shortname/reference of the property/rental unit to set your preferred order (by city, street name, numeric order etc.). Make sure you can easily identify that property/rental unit by its shortname/reference, as it will also be used in other app screens for grouping and identifying properties/rental units, and in exported .csv files and reports.

In the selection pickers properties are prefixed with the house icon while rental units are prefixed with the key icon.

Where to keep details on security deposit?

For keeping record on current amount of security deposit use [Deposit paid] field in the Tenant/agreement screen, and use attached files and Notes field to describe anything important related to deposit (dates, changes, amounts and any other notes).

We recommend to keep deposits completely out of the tenant balance/transactions as it is not money you can count as your revenue from financial point of view, also in most countries landlords are legally obligated to keep this money completely separate from operating accounts.

What is tenant balance and initial balance?

Landlordy uses simplified approach for managing rent financials. In Landlordy tenant balance is always calculated as:
[initial tenant balance] – [sum of all rent invoices] + [sum of all payments].

So assuming [initial balance] is 0 then creating rent invoice with $100 will make tenant balance negative (-$100, which means that tenant owes you $100), adding rent payment after that with $80 will make tenant balance -$20 (tenant still owes you $20).

Tenant initial balance is to account for tenant’s balance at the moment you start using Landlordy. If the tenant owes you, enter a negative initial balance with the corresponding amount; if you owe money to the tenant, set the initial balance to positive with the respective amount. Otherwise, simply leave it blank.

Can I add or remove reminders myself?

Reminders in Landlordy are populated automatically (and cannot be added or deleted) in the [Reminders] tab when certain conditions in the app data are met, for example:

- when tenant lease (for fixed-term leases) ends within next 90 days - reminder for lease renewal appears;
- when month (or week, for weekly rent periods) passed since previous rent invoice - reminder for next invoice appears (unless recurring rent invoices are enabled and app generates rent invoice records automatically);
- when rent payment date (set in the last rent invoice) is due and tenant balance still is negative - outstanding/late rent payment reminder appears;
- when next maintenance due date (for appliance/inventory item) is within 30 days - reminder for maintenance/service appears.

Reminders also disappear automatically after data in the app changes:

- after new (extended) lease end date is set or lease type is changed to month-to-month (open ended) lease - lease renewal reminder disappears;
- after rent invoice for next rent period is added in the app - rent invoice reminder disappears;
- when new rent payment is registered that covers outstanding tenant balance - outstanding/late payment reminder disappears;
- after new service/maintenance record for appliance/inventory item is added with new service date - maintenance reminder disappears.

Tapping on the reminder will reveal corresponding data section in the app. Swiping on reminder will reveal quick actions - for example, swiping on unpaid expense will let you mark it paid (with today's date) with a single tap, swiping on late/outstanding payment reminder will let you send late rent notice to tenant etc. Read more about swipe actions in [Reminders].

You can enable or disable specific reminder types in the [Settings] tab under [Customize reminders] option.

How to handle a tenant move-out?

When a tenant moves out, update the lease end date with the move-out date in the tenant edit screen and set lease type to [Fixed term] lease. That lets you to keep the invoice/payment history about a former tenant while allowing you to add a new tenant in the same rental unit.

If tenant is paying part of the remaining rent (or any cleaning/refurbishment) with security deposit you can:

1) Add any expenses that should be covered by deposit and set [Include in tenant invoice] to [Yes].

2) Create a final rent invoice for tenant (with the move-out date) and move all related expenses from [Lines not included] section to invoice.

3) Register rent payment with the amount of final invoice and add in the Notes that payment is covered by security deposit (or you can even add an extra payment type “Security deposit" in the Settings-Manage Payment Types).

For adding a new tenant tap [All tenants] in the rental unit dashboard and add the new tenant by pressing [+] button in the Tenants/Rental agreements section.

How to include expenses in the tenant's invoice?

To include expenses assigned to the rental unit in the next tenant's invoice set the option [Include in rent invoice] in the expense edit screen. This will generate an extra item to be (optionally) included in the next rent invoice.

When you create the next rent invoice for a tenant you will see a [Lines not included] section with an extra invoice line at the bottom of the invoice edit screen – just tap [+] button to add it to the invoice (you can also adjust the amount/description by tapping on the line).

See a 1 minute short video example.

How to change the email used for sharing invoices and payment receipts?

By default Landlordy uses with your default email account (configured in the in the Mail section) for sharing rent invoices, payments receipts and other information.

You can change your default email account or add additional email accounts in the This article explains how to switch between email accounts on your iPhone and iPad.

If you have configured multiple email accounts in the (in the Passwords & Accounts section) and want one of these email addresses for sharing, in the email share sheet tap on [Cc/Bcc, From] line in the email header, then (after section expands) tap the email address you wish to use.

If you are using third party email app (e.g. GMail) on your device, you can use [Other sharing options] button to pass information from Landlordy to your preferred email client (please note that filling email subject automatically from the Landlordy is available only with the Apple's

If you remove Apple's default from the device, then iOS will select alternate email app (like Gmail) as a default mail app and it will be used as default option for sharing via email in the Landlordy and other apps on your device. See more on it in the Apple Support article.

How to send rent invoice/payment receipt to multiple tenant email addresses?

You can add multiple email addresses in the tenant email field (in the tenant/lease editing screen) by separating email addresses with space.

When sharing rent invoice, payment receipt or late rent notice, email addresses from tenant/lease details will be automatically included in recipients list in the iOS email sharing sheet.

How to use swipe and longtap actions in the app?

Some of the productivity features and quick actions in Landlordy are available with simple gestures such as swipe or longtap.

 Longtap on tenant name in the property list for quick actions
 Swipe to copy (or delete) rent invoice, rent payment or expense
 Swipe actions for attached files and photos
 Swipe actions in Reminders - send late rent notice, mark expense as paid etc.
 Import PDF file or image as expense record from Mail and other apps
 Quickly add expense or rent record from the iOS home screen
 Reassign rental expense to another property or rental unit
 Quickly email or message tenants directly from the Landlordy
 Search the internet for information on appliance/inventory item

What are the available variables for sharing templates?

You can edit sharing templates in the Settings tab by adding your personal details and changing the layout if needed. Use the [Preview] option to check your template (containing fictional tenant data that has all data fields filled). Use the [Reset] option to reset to the default template.

Templates let you define what details of invoice, payment receipt, late notice, expense or inventory/appliance will be shared via email, text messages (SMS) or third party apps that support sharing text and/or images (WhatsApp, for example). Please note that when sharing vith or third party apps the template subject field may be omitted.

It is recommended that you have configured your email account with the default Apple's for sharing (even if you routinely use another email client) as currently provides the best sharing experience for outgoing email messages.

Variables available in all templates:

Payment receipt specific template fields:

Rent invoice specific template fields:

Expense specific template fields:

Inventory/appliance specific template fields:

You can attach one or multiple photos and/or PDF files to any property, rental unit, agreement/tenant, payment, expense, etc. that you register within the app.

On iPad, you can easily drag and drop images and PDF files from other apps into Landlordy and from Landlordy to other apps as well. You can drop photos and PDFs from other apps to Landlordy in all edit screens with attachment support.

To delete previously attached photos, tap a photo to get a list of all related photos/files, then swipe on a photo from right to left to reveal the [Delete] button. With the same gesture, you can also set a key photo/image to be displayed as the main photo for the respective entity (property, rental unit, tenant, payment, expense, etc).

See a 1 minute short video for using drag and drop with attachments on iPad.

How to export/open spreadsheet-compatible .csv file?

Landlordy app exports transactions (rent payments and expenses) as spreadsheet-compatible .csv file with or without attached photos and PDF files. Select time interval and optionally filter transactions by rental unit, property or owning company (Pro edition only) in the Reports tab, then tap sharing button and choose [Export as .csv file] option.

If you are exporting transaction data with related attachments (it will be saved as folder with multiple files), in the sharing sheet use the [Save to Files] option (other options in the share sheet may not work with folders) to save to iCloud Drive or any other cloud file system provider that supports integration via Files app.

You need to install corresponding cloud file system provider app on your device (and log in with your account) to be able to save data to the cloud files systems (e.g. Dropbox).

You can open exported .csv file with most spreadsheet apps (such as Microsoft Excel or Apple's Numbers). If your spreadsheet app does not recognize number columns for expense and income transactions, change the decimal separator in the [Export data] screen.

If the spreadsheet app is still struggling to open .csv file, try using the [File-Import] menu option in the spreadsheet app (in different spreadsheet apps/versions the Import function is located in different menus). Usually the Import function allows you to specify the column and/or decimal separator for every file you import.

How to restore my purchase (made on a previous/different device)?

If you have already purchased premium features on a previous or different device, you can restore your previous purchases on your new device.

1) Make sure you are logged into the App Store with the same account you used to download Landlordy and to purchase premium features on the previous device - check the [iTunes & App Store] section of your account details in the

2) Open App Store app on your new device and in the Updates tab tap on the circle icon with avatar (located at the top right corner). Choose [Purchased] option and scroll to (or search for) Landlordy and tap on the cloud icon to re-download Landlordy on your new device.

3) Launch Landlordy and if premium features are not enabled by default, in the Settings tab open [Upgrade] screen and use the [Restore purchases] button. This will restore all in-app purchases associated with your AppleID.

Does the app support data synchronization between devices?

The app is currently for single-device use (with all your and your tenant data staying private on your device only, not on our servers in the cloud) and does not have synchronization support between devices.

While you can backup and restore both ways to move app data from one device to another (if you have purchased premium features), it is just a workaround and not replacement of synchronization, as restoring always fully replaces app data on the device with the data from your selected backup. This approach puts you at risk of accidentally replacing your latest changes with the older backup copy of the data.