Landlordy Changelog

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Version 2.9.7

  App icon and widgets support iOS18 dark/tinted homescreen modes.

App icon and widgets in light/dark/tinted mode


  Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.9.6

  Reinstated [Add rent payment] longtap action on rent invoice in the [Balance] and [Invoices] screens.

  Added visual distinction between rent invoices, rent payments and expenses in the [Balance] screen and [Reports] tab.


  Fixed issue on iPad when app does not return to the same screens after going to background.

  Fixed issue with disabled (+) button in the attachment editing screen (after photo picker is dismissed by swipe-down gesture).

  Other bugfixes and minor user interface improvements.

Version 2.9.5

  Added option to create rent invoice line also from unpaid expense.

  Added option to navigate to rent invoice screen (by tapping on related rent invoice line) from the expense view screen, if expense is already included into rent invoice.

  Added option to navigate to expense screen from the rent invoice screen (by tapping on rent invoice line) if invoice line is created from the expense.

  If rent invoice line is created from expense record, sharing rent invoice will also share all images/PDFs attached to expense record.


  When tapping on location icon in the property/unit dashboard, app will provide options for opening address in navigation apps installed, or open map in the web browser if no navigation apps are available on device.

  Minor PDF report improvements for rent invoice.


  Fixed bug with ordering of rent invoice lines in the rent invoice editing screen (if amounts for multiple lines are equal).

  Other bugfixes and minor user interface improvements.

Version 2.9.4

  Rent payment receipt and rent invoice can be shared/printed with or without payment/invoice notes included in the PDF report.

  New template variable for including into sharing templates - ($tenantContacts). Contains tenant phone number and email. Updated default rent invoice template to include tenant contacts.

  New template variable for including into sharing templates - ($ownerDetails). Contains property owner/company details. Add it to your sharing template, if you need property owner details included in email/text sharing of invoice, payment receipt, late payment notice, expense or appliance/inventory details sharing. See all available template variables here.


  Rent invoice PDF report now also includes tenant contacts (phone and email, if added).

  Rent invoice PDF report now also includes details (in addition to title and amount) for each invoice line (if added).

  Hardware keyboard can be used in the (alphabetically ordered) tenants, property/units and payment/expense types picker to quickly jump to first/next item with the keypress from keyboard.


 Minor user interface improvements and bugfixes.

Version 2.9.3

  Added option to open Apple Maps with property/unit address by tapping map icon (shown only if address is present) in the header of the property/unit dashboard.


  Added option to remove next maintenance date in maintenance editing screen (to avoid maintenance reminders for appliance/inventory item). Use [Clear] option in the date picker to clear next maintenance date.

  Added longtap [Copy] and [Delete] context actions in the maintenance list.

Version 2.9.2

 Improved app compatibility with upcoming iOS release.


 Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.9.1

 Search view remembers last (successful) search term to quickly repeat previous search.

 Minor user interface improvements in search and onboarding screens.


 Fixed app crash when previewing large high-resolution PDF files.

 Fixed incorrect backup reminder.

Version 2.9.0

 Added option to quickly search tenant, property/unit, inventory item, rent invoice, rent payment or expense by any text fragment in the name or added notes.

 Backup/restore to/from Dropbox is becoming free app feature available for everyone.

 Added option to export app data archive for moving app data to other Landlordy compatible platforms.


 Fixed app welcome/onboarding screen issues on small iPhone screens (1st gen iPhone SE).

 Currency in English is now always included in available currency formatting options for every country.


 Better handle situations when device does not have any email client app installed.

 Fixed issue when property list occasionally becomes empty after return from details screen.

 Fix crash on iPad when adding rent payment in tenant dashboard.

 Fixed app crash caused by incorrect previews for some PDF files.

 Other bug fixes and performance improvements.

Version 2.8.6

 Added support for adding/importing WebP format image/photo attachments.


 When adding new rent payment (while tenant balance is positive) total fees for the rent period will be used as default amount, instead on refunding (negative) amount for the balance overpay.

 Improved suggestions picker when filling [Pay to] field in the expense editing screen and [Received from] field in the rent payment editing screen.

 Added Bluetooth keyboard support for all selection pickers (up/down arrows, enter/return, escape keys).


 Resolved issue sharing emails from Landlordy using Gmail app (if default Apple's Mail app is not installed).

 Fixed occasional app crash on iPad when using suggestions in expense/rent payment editing screens.

Version 2.8.4

 Longtap on rent invoice line in [Balance] or [Invoices] view provides extra action for quickly creating corresponding rent payment record.


 Minor user interface improvements.


 Fixed rental unit ordering/displaying issue if rental unit name is the same for multiple units.

 Fixed bug in tenant/lease record validation when adding future tenant/lease record.

Version 2.8.3

 Tenant leases can overlap if one lease ends and another starts on the same day (for supporting short term/vacation/holiday rentals).


 Improved, more user-friendly picker for rent period selection and recurring expense period.


 Fixed bug causing missing auto-generated rent invoices.

 Fixed issue with swipe [Delete] action in lists of rent invoices, payments and expenses.

 Fixed home screen widget updating issues if timezone in app (saved on first launch) does not match current timezone of user (e.g. travelling, moving to another state).

 Fixed occasional app crash on iOS17.

Version 2.8.1

 Restored iOS15 compatibility (using widgets still require iOS16 or higher).


 Tapping on widget opens app with corresponding tab automatically selected.

 Improved data validation in the tenant editing screen with suggestions how to fix typical issues.

 Minor user interface improvements.


 Fixed occasional crashes (or unresponsive [Cancel] and [Save] buttons) on iPad while in editing screens if, during editing, you switch to another app and then back to Landlordy.

 Fixed app crash when dragging attached photo/PDF for dropping it into another app.

Version 2.8.0

 Added small widget for quick glance at current month rent income, expenses and total number of reminders for displaying Landlordy app data on your device lock screen, home screen or in Today view (premium feature).

Essentials home screen widget example

 Added medium/large size widgets for quick glance on most important/actual reminders for displaying Landlordy app data on home screen or in Today view (premium feature).

Reminders home screen widget example


  Improved app compatibility with upcoming iOS release.


 Landlordy 2.8.0 requires at least iOS 16.

Version 2.7.7

 When saving new rent payment, app will check if payment is late (received after rent invoice due date) and will provide option to quickly create new invoice with late rent fees.


 Fixed issue on iOS 16.4/16.5 where headers in the PDF reports do not have background color.

Version 2.7.6

 Added option to print/share reminders list as PDF report.


 Minor user interface improvements.


 Fixed issue for sharing PDF reports via WhatsApp.

 Fixed issue for sharing via Gmail where part of the email body text gets cut if tenant name contains "&" symbol.

Version 2.7.5

 New sharing template (with renamed template fields) for sharing inventory/appliance details via email or messages. Get new template with [Reset] button in the template editing screen and edit it according to your needs.


 Fix issue when date is not filled on first try after selecting today in the date picker.

 Fix occasional crash after PDF report has been sent to printer.

Version 2.7.4

 New date picker with calendar view to match style of iOS default date pickers. TIP: Double tapping on the date in calendar selects and confirms date selection. Swipe right/left in calendar to change month.

 New selection pickers for company, property, tenant, lease or reporting period, and expense/payment/appliance type, for more convenient data entry.


 When adding new rent payment via [Properties] tab or via longtap on app icon, tenants in selection picker are sorted by tenant name (not by property/unit name as before).


 Fix occasion crash when saving photo from camera/document scanner.

 Minor user interface fixes for iPhone 14 Pro on iOS16.

Version 2.7.2

 Autocomplete suggestions when filling [Pay to] field in the expense editing screen or [Received from] field in the rent payment editing screen.


 Property list filtering by company/owner is preserved between app launches and after adding/updating data in the app.

 When searching Internet for inventory/appliance (by tapping name/details in the inventory/appliance details screen), search results open in new Safari window (instead of in-app browser).

 Higher quality preview image from the first page of PDF attachment.


 Fixed issue when Whatsapp message cannot be sent from longtap action on tenant name in the property list.

 Fixed issue when thumbnail of the first page of PDF file is not visible as thumbnail in attachment list when added with [Paste from clipboard] option.

 Other bugfixes.

Version 2.7.1

 Added option to select currency formatting in the app independently from your device regional settings - handy if your rental properties are outside your home-country (premium feature).

 Added tri-annual (once every 4 months) time period option for lease period and recurring expenses.


 Fixed incorrect late rent reminder when there's multiple rent invoices with future due dates.

 Bugfixes and minor user interface improvements.

Version 2.7.0

 Add/edit extra details on property - total floor/lot area, date built and purchase/current value. Add/edit extra details on rental unit - number of bedrooms/bathrooms, floor/lot area for unit and number of parking spots available.

Rental unit summary with option to expand details

 Property/rental unit floor/lot area is displayed over photos/attachments in the property/unit dashboard with the option to expand/show property details, notes, and related inventory/appliance items for property/unit.

 Appliances are renamed to Inventory/appliances. Inventory/appliance details for property/unit are hidden by default and shown only when property/rental unit details are expanded. Added new default inventory/appliance types "Exterior" and "Interior" for tracking details and schedule and track maintenance/service details on roof, pool, floors, attic etc.


 Improved error messages when editing tenant/lease with period that overlaps with another lease for the same rental unit.


 Fixed attachments/photo display in attachment editing screen when [Smart Invert] accessibility option is enabled in the

 Fixed minor UI issues in dark mode.

Version 2.6.2

 New cash-flow report option in the Reports tab - print or save PDF report of cash flow transactions, including your notes added to expense and rent payment records.


 Improved compatibility with upcoming iOS version.


 Fixed issue that may create duplicate recurring invoices/reminders when you are using app outside your default time zone.

Version 2.6.1

 Longtap on rental unit/tenant name in the property list to reveal quick actions for adding expense, rent payment (with balance covering amount already filled), sending late rent notice to tenant and tenant contacting options (if tenant email and/or phone number is added to tenant details).

Longtap on tenant name for quick actions


 Added WhatsApp to tenant contacting options if WhatsApp is installed on your device (tenant phone number should include country code).


 Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Version 2.6.0

 Improved app experience if you are using alternate email clients (e.g. Gmail) and/or browsers (e.g. Chrome or Firefox) on iOS14. Read more on how you can change your default email and web apps on iOS 14.

 Custom reporting period start/end dates in the Reports tab are preserved between app launches.

 Rental unit can be deleted from the rental unit editing screen (as before you can also delete rental unit from the property editing screen by swiping on the rental unit).


 Fixed issue when restoring family shared in-app purchases via [Restore purchases] button.

 Fixed date picker colors when app color theme does not match device color theme.

 Other bug fixes and performance improvements.

Version 2.5.6

 Performance improvements.


 Fixed issue: Appliance template changes ignored when sharing appliance details via email/message.

Version 2.5.5

 Faster backups to Dropbox.

 Improved support for iOS14.


 Fix issue when some of attachments are not backed up on first try.

Version 2.5.3

 Added [This + last month] tenant balance report.


 Renamed Current month/year to This month/year, Previous month/year to last month/year in user interface.

 Warning in the invoice editing screen when invoice issue date is set before lease agreement start date.

 Support for upcoming iOS version.


 Fixed crash when long-pressing on "No expenses" line in the Paid expenses screen.

 Fixed crash in rent payment editing screen when re-assigning rent payment of former tenant via long-press on tenant header.

 Fixed issue when restore fails for app database backups that does not contain any attachments.

 Fixed occasional crash in screen for editing sharing template for expense.

Version 2.5.2

 Added contextual actions (available with longtap in the list view) for rent invoice, rent payment and expense.


 Fixed date picker values appearance with app in light mode while your device is in dark mode.

 Fixed occasional scrolling to the bottom of the list in the Properties tab.

 Fixed adding attachments via [Paste from clipboard] option when PDF files are copied into the clipboard.

 Fixed creating copy of expense using [Copy] swipe action on Unpaid/Late expense.

Version 2.5.1

 Better document scanning with automatic shutter (just keep you camera steady for a few seconds), extra options to correct perspective and adjust frame for individual scan as well as option to scan multiple document pages at once.

 [Scan document] now is the first choice when adding attachments.

 Attachments added with [Take photo] option are no longer in addition saved into your Photo Library.

 Version 2.5.1 requires iOS 13.0 or later.


 Edit dialogs can be dismissed simply by swiping screen down (if no changes have been made) or by using [Esc] key on the iPad with external keyboard.

 Using [Cmd+S] on iPad external keyboard saves data and closes edit screen.


 Fixed date picker color when app is in dark mode while device is in light mode.

 Fixed issue where service provider details occasionally discarded when editing existing expense.

 Fixed occasional app crash after restore from backup on iPad.

Version 2.4.2

 "Rental income report" (available when tapping tenant name in the Reports tab and using share button) renamed to "Rent payments received" report.

 Minor user interface and performance improvements.


 Fixed issue: recurring invoices are not autogenerated at designated time on certain conditions.

Version 2.4.1

 Added support for recurring expenses (Plus and Pro edition feature).

 Arrears (total amount of outstanding rent payments) and total amount of unpaid expenses due are displayed in the Reminders tab when reminders are grouped by reminder type.

 Added option to edit expense and rent payment details directly in the Reports tab.

 Added option to share tenant balance report for previous month.


 Joined [Outstanding rent] and [Late rent payment] reminders into single reminder type.

 Maintenance reminders start to appear 30 days before planned next maintenance date.

 Better experience (less taps required) when adding unpaid expense with due date.

 More unified look for rent payment receipt, rent invoice and tenant balance statement PDF reports.

 Month-to-month leases have added "(m/m)" after lease period dates for easier glancing over tenant information.


 Fixed email subject when sharing rent balance statement or rent payment receipt from the app via email.

 Fixed recurring rent invoice generation to ensure new invoices in the balance report appear before rent payments registered on the same date.

 Fixed warning when lease agreement start date and first rent invoice dates are the same.

Version 2.3.5

 Added option to print or share rent payment receipt as PDF file (Plus and Pro feature).


 Improvements in tenant balance statement for displaying rent credit invoices (invoices with negative amount) and reversed/returned rent payments.

 Rent invoices with negative total amount displayed as "Rent credit invoice" in the app.


 Fixed issue where app can occasionally freeze when returning to previous screen.

Version 2.3.4

 Option to add new rental unit directly in the property view.


 Fixed issue where app can occasionally freeze when returning to property list from the rental unit screen.

Version 2.3.3

 Added tenant balance statement report for current month, current year and previous year. Report is available in the tenant dashboard by using share button in the [Balance] tab.


 Changed tenant balance statement report format to better accommodate legal and accounting requirements.

 Payments with negative amount are reported as reversed payments in the rent statement balance report.

 Rent invoice details are included in the tenant balance statement report.


 Fixed bug when Export screen cannot be dismissed if in the sharing sheet [Share to Files] option is selected, and then cancelled.

Version 2.3.2

 Full data export of the app data (see new option in the Settings tab).


 Minor changes in new property adding wizard (on first launch).

 Bug fixes and app performance improvements.

Version 2.3.1

 Attachment picker uses 3-column view with bigger thumbnails for selecting images from Photos.


 Fixed issue: attachment picker not always scrolled to recent photos.

 Fixed issue: rent invoice line not added if title for the line is not set.

 Fixed issue: deleting payment, expense and appliance type doesn't update list of available types on iPad.

Version 2.3.0

 Improved accessibility when using VoiceOver.


 Fixed issue: rent invoice does not contain rental fees set in tenant lease, if lease start date was set in the future.

 Fixed issue: dark mode option occasionally not available in free app version.

 Other minor bug fixes.

Version 2.2.0

 Support for iOS13.

 Option to switch between dark and light mode is available in free app version as well.


 Better, more straightforward user interface for editing payment, expanse and appliance types in the Settings tab.

 Performance improvements.


 Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.1.0

 Added dark mode option (premium feature).


 Added option to merge multiple expense categories into single one.

 Added option to merge multiple payment types into single one.

 Added option to merge multiple appliance types into single one.


 Fixed issue where app did not allow to use future date as reporting period end date.

Version 2.0.2

 Added option to rename rental unit in the property edit screen (by tapping on the unit name).

 Reports and PDF invoices can be dragged and dropped into other apps (on iPad with split view) from the report/invoice preview screen.

 Company/owner screen (in the Settings tab) shows list of properties assigned to company/owner (Pro edition).


 Fixed suppressed line breaks for notes in the PDF invoice (Pro and Plus editions).

 Fixed occasional crash after new payment or invoice is added from the rental unit dashboard.

 Fixed crash when payment/expense is added via 3DTouch on app icon.

 Other bug fixes.

Version 2.0.1

 New upgrade options - Landlordy Mini, Landlordy Plus and Landlordy Pro (Pro replaces Landlordy Personal Edition).

 Support for auto-generated rent invoices (Plus and Pro feature).

 Print or share (as PDF file) professional-looking rent invoices with company/owner details on top (Plus and Pro feature).

 Group properties into portfolios by assigning a property to a company/owner and get cash-flow reports for the company/owner (Pro feature).

 Added support for month-to-month leases.

 Added new report option in the Reports tab - print/share detailed cash-flow reports with individual transactions.

 Summary cash-flow report in the Reports tab shows the percentage of an expense category in Total Expenses.

 Added [Mark paid] swipe action in the Reminders tab for unpaid expense reminders.


 Rent payment or expense can be quickly added by using the (+) button in the property list.

 New rent invoicing period for tenant lease [Every 4 weeks].

 Added option to include notes to a rent invoice, use new template tag ($invoiceNote) if you want to include notes in shared invoices.

 Tenant email can contain multiple email addresses (add space to enter a second email address in the tenant screen).

 Added deletion confirmation dialog for swipe-delete on rent invoice, payment, expense or appliance to avoid accidental swipe deletes.

 Export (as CSV file) option moved under the share button in the Reports tab.

 Expenses in the Reports tab summary cash-flow report are shown as negative numbers for consistency with printed/shared reports.

 Next rent invoice reminders are tied to rent period start (not to previous rent invoice date).

 Updated default template for sharing appliance details to include history of maintenance/safety check records. Please tap the [Reset] button in the appliance template edit screen to use the new template.


 Fixed crash when selecting attachment from Photos while switching between albums.

 Note editing screen respects current text size accessibility settings on the device.

 Fixed VoiceOver accessibility issues in the tenant/agreement edit screen.

 Fixed issue when contact picker returned no contact details if the contact was an organization.

To see details on older Landlordy version updates, go to Landlordy version 1 changelog.