I like to move copy it!
October, 2015 - Landlordy app version 1.3 is approved by Apple and is available in the App Store.
Swipe to Create Copies for Invoices, Payments, Expenses
Version 1.3 introduced quick and simple way to copy existing rent invoices, payments or expenses - swipe from right to left on row in the invoice, payment or expense list to reveal Copy button.
If your rent invoices are fixed amount from month to month, creating rent invoice or payment for current month is as easy as swiping on the invoice or payment row in the Balance/Invoices/Payments screen) on previous month invoice/payment row and quickly create a copy with the same data (except today’s date).
The same applies for expenses - now process of creating your recurrent monthly expense is quick and easy. Swipe-Copy-Done. Almost like "I like to move it, move it!"
Version 1.3 also provides shortcut to quickly create payment for last rent invoice - swipe from left to right on [Last rent invoice] row in the rental unit dashboard and use revealed Payment button to quickly create payment with amount of the last rent invoice already filled in.
Other Improvements
Option to add details for rent payments received from third parties (e.g. spouse of tenant, local council etc.).
Subsequent data backups will be quicker (will not backup photos that are already backed-up in previous backups).
If you missed improvements in the version 1.2 while ago - we added support for split screen mode in iOS9 on supported iPad models and improved invoice/payment receipt templates - current tenant balance now can included (if appropriate) in invoices and payment receipts you share with tenants - use ($currentBalance) and ($todayDate) in your templates. You can reset templates in Settings tab to preview invoice/payment receipt examples and then modify templates according to your needs.
What We Read: Articles for Private Landlords
There are list of articles on the Web that we think are totally worth your time:
No landlord is happy to evict a tenant. But when you have to, better do it right by The Bigger Pockets Blog.
Great tips on lease clauses you should consider before signing agreement with tenant by Landlordology.